Thursday, August 13, 2009

ranting about struggle and blessings

I understand the necessity for struggle and I am looking forward to the feelings of empowerment and relief I will feel when this ever declining curve in the spiral starts ascending again. I have pride for how well I have weathered struggles in the past and so I know, although this storm may be stronger, that we will prevail. And even through these hard times I have so many blessings. My relationships are all very strong. I have such a beautiful husband, who is trying so hard to pull us all out of this and keep a smile on his face. My mother is a powerful goddess of bounty and support. My children go about there own innocent lives, reminding me of the bliss of summertime and youth. My life is for them and their happiness, even when us adults are so bleak, is a sigh of relief. I have many friends that are so supportive in my attempt to brave my fears and follow my dreams. And I have best friends that will listen when it's time to cry. How could I be so blessed? It certainly would be so much worse if my circumstance were flipped and the financial security and success were bountiful but the relationships were lacking. Oh that would be much more miserable. Although we are lost in all this chaos we are so very fortunate. I can't wait til the day I can repay all of these beautiful people and show them how sincerely grateful I am.

Monday, August 3, 2009

mythology update - Artemis, Goddess of selfhood

Artemis holds special significance for me. She helped me overcome a lot of negative imprinting. She is deserving of much respect.

Artemis, Goddess of selfhood

I am who I am
and I know who I am
I can take care of myself
under all circumstances
and I can let others care for me
I can choose
There is no authority
higher than my own
my powers of discernment are finely honed
I am automonous
I am free from the influence
of others' opinions
I am able to separate
that which needs separtation
so a clear decision
can be reached
I think for myself
I set my sights
and aim by bow
my arrows always find their mark

The Mythology

Artemis (pronounced ar'teh-mis), another multidimensional Goddess reduced by the Greeks to the domain of moon, virgin, huntress, and childbirth, really represented the Feminine in all her aspects. She was the huntress who protected animals and the virgin (whole and complete unto herself) who made love in the woods. When Artemis was a little girl, Zeus, her father, wanted to give her a gift and asked her what she wanted. The Goddess replied: I want to run forever wild and free with my hounds in the woods and never, ever marry.

The Lessons of this Goddess

Artemis has shot her arrow of selfhood in your life to help you focus on yourself. Have you been too much at the sevice of others without making sure you get what you need for yourself? Has it been too long since you had time to yourself or a space of your own? Do the boundaries of your selfhood seen blurred and indistint? Do you feel you have no right to a self of your own, but must always be thinking of others, putting their needs first, until you don't know who you are or what you want? Now is the time to come into yourself. Now is the time to pay attention to the whispering voices of your own needs. Now is the time to take yourself back and celebrate and strenghten who you are. The Goddess says that wholeness is nurtured when you honor, respect, and give time to yourself. She also asks how can you expect to hit any targets if you don't have self from which to shoot?

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Sunday, August 2, 2009

Original Charcoal Drawing by Lenise Alexandra

Title: Amaterasu
Size: 8"x10"
Media: print
Date: 2009

Saturday, August 1, 2009

mythology update - Amaterasu, Goddess of Beauty

Amaterasu, Goddess of Beauty

Let me share with you the secret of the mirror
let me share what is known only to the Sun Goddess
it is a secret so powerfull
it will free your from darkness
a secret so delightful
it lets warmth dance in your heart
a secret so illuminating
it allows you to know yourself
a secret so simple
all you need do is open your eyes
the secret is
in the light of the sun
in the eyes of the mirror
you are Beauty

The Mythology

Amaterasu (pronounced a-ma-te-ra-tsoo) Omi Kami is the Shinto Sun Goddess of Japan. Whe insulted by her crude brother, Susano-o, the Storm God, she withdrew into a cave and refused to come out. Distressed by the withdrawal of the sun, Uzume, the Shaman-Goddess, did a comical bawdy dance to entertain the Gods and Goddesses and to provoke Amaterasu's curiosity. When Amaterasu opened her door to peek, she was dazzledy by her own beauty, reflected to her in a mirror the Gods and Goddesses had installed, and came out.

The Lessons of this Goddess

Amaterasu is here to tell you to bask in the radiance of your own beauty. Do you know your unique beauty or do you feel you can't be beautiful because you don't look like a model or movie star? Are you in your crone years and feel that age is ugly? Perhaps you are afraid to express your beauty, afraid that you will attract unwanted energies. The Goddess says that all women possess the light of the Feminine and that light is beauty. She advises you to let go of your preconceptions about what beauty is and allow your beauty to be. Wholeness is nurtured when we celebrate all our aspects and being female means that we are beautiful!

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