Saturday, November 12, 2011

Edem and Elohim

The immortal lovers, Edem and Elohim, from The Book of Baruch in the Gnostic texts. Goddess and God, earth and heaven, mother and father of humankind. "They made man a symbol of their union and love and planted some of their powers in him. Edem provided the soul and Elohim the spirit."


One of the first pieces in the new series I am creating. My work is taking a turn for the higher emotions. Themes of love, passion, transcendence, peace, joy and above all gratitude. Butterflies are the symbol of Psyche, the soul. I want to capture the soul's dance of truly living, the expression of absolute inspiration, to be connected with divinity.


Monday, June 27, 2011

Rain Dancing

This is inspired by the first drum circle I participated in. I could see the waves of energy pulsing as we were all joined with the strong steady heartbeat of Grandfather Drum. The communal spirit was a much needed experience. It was a day of healing.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Brick's Rabbit Hole

This is a piece I did for my son for his 8th birthday. The concept is entirely his. Brick is falling down the rabbit hole (he is obsessed with Alice In Wonderland) with another Brick reaching down to catch him. Very interesting...

Monday, March 21, 2011

finished "Avalon"

I've jumped right to the finished piece. Avalon approves!

Friday, March 4, 2011

4th photo of "Avalon"

Removed the rubber mask and began painting the tail and skin.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

3rd photo for "Avalon"

Put masking fluid on a couple bubbles. Added more layers to the water. Next step I will peel off the mask.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

2nd photo for "Avalon"

Covered the figure with masking fluid and started painting the water and light rays. I've gotten a lot of questions about masking fluid. Watercolor paint works as a stain on the paper. I need to remember the lighter colors b/c if I paint over them they cannot be corrected. In this painting I need Avalon's skin to be a lighter peach color. If she gets the blue of the water on her I will not be able to correct it. I use masking fluid, which is a liquid rubber that I can paint over Avalon and the fish. When it dries it becomes a rubber mask. Once the water is finished I can remove the masking fluid, the figure will still be clean white paper and I can start painting her. Masking fluid is my very best friend!

1st photo of "Avalon"

This is a painting I'm working on for my daughter's birthday. She's a Pisces I have her dancing as a mermaid with her two fish friends.