Wednesday, February 23, 2011

3rd photo for "Avalon"

Put masking fluid on a couple bubbles. Added more layers to the water. Next step I will peel off the mask.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

2nd photo for "Avalon"

Covered the figure with masking fluid and started painting the water and light rays. I've gotten a lot of questions about masking fluid. Watercolor paint works as a stain on the paper. I need to remember the lighter colors b/c if I paint over them they cannot be corrected. In this painting I need Avalon's skin to be a lighter peach color. If she gets the blue of the water on her I will not be able to correct it. I use masking fluid, which is a liquid rubber that I can paint over Avalon and the fish. When it dries it becomes a rubber mask. Once the water is finished I can remove the masking fluid, the figure will still be clean white paper and I can start painting her. Masking fluid is my very best friend!

1st photo of "Avalon"

This is a painting I'm working on for my daughter's birthday. She's a Pisces I have her dancing as a mermaid with her two fish friends.