Isis, Goddess of Mothering
The Mythology
Isis (pronounced eye'sis), also know as Au Set ("exceeding queen") and Isis Panthea ("Isis the All-Goddess"), was worshiped in many places including Egypt, the Roman Empire, Greece, and Germany. When her beloved Osiris was killed ten dismembered and scattered by her brother Set, Isis searched out the pieces and reassembled them. She found all but his penis, which she replaced with one of gold. Through use of her magic and healing arts she brought Osiris back to life then conceived through his golden penis, the Sun God Horus. When the temples of Isis were turned into Christian churches, Isis with baby Horus on her lap became the Virgin Mary and Jesus.
The Lessons of this Goddess
Isis has appeared in your life to tell you it is time for mothering. Have you been giving all your mothering energy away without keeping some for yourself? Have you taken on a new project or just had a new baby? Do you feel that something needs extra mothering, but you aren't up to it? Did your own mother or care- giver give you the mothering you needed? The Goddess says that it is important to get the mothering you need in order to heal past wounds. Everyone needs to be mothered, regardless of whether you are a maiden, mother, or crone.
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