Lakshmi, Goddess of Abundance
The Mythology
Worship of Lakshmi (pronounced lock'shmee) began prior to the Aryan invasion of India. She is considered the animating force or Shakti of Vishnu, the Preserver. Her sacred animal is the cow, symbol of abundance and plenty. She appears here with elephants pouring water, another sybol of her powerful abundance. Although described as floating on the eternal sea of time, resting on a lotus, Hindus say that the Gods churned the sea of creation from which Lakshmi appeared in all her splendor.
The Lessons of this Goddess
Lakshmi appears in your life to tell you it is time to nurture wholeness by recognizing and living from abundance. Is your existence defined and contained by the parameters of scarcity rather than abundance? Are your finances based on a poverty consciousness rather than limitlessness and plenty? Is your outlook on life one of never having enough rather than of having your needs met? Let yourself open to the abundance, the bounty that exists in your world. The Goddess says that abundance is hard to perceive if lack, poverty, and scarcity dominate your consciousness. The way to wholeness for you lies in opening to the flow of life. When you open to the flow, you become part ofit and you draw it to you. When you become aware of the abundance in your life in all its forms-friendship, health, family, love, beauty, talent, humor, et cetera-you can call in more from a conscious place.
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