Thursday, July 23, 2009

mythology update - White Buffalo Woman and Mother of Life


Any mother who has ever held a baby will know the beauty, meaning and the prophesy of the White Buffalo Calf Woman. It is this woman who was a mother who walked the land of the Sioux so long ago. She was a mother whose heart cried out with the love, protection and caring of all children.

In her time as she walked Mother Earth, the Sioux were one great Nation. It was a time before the legend of the Seven Campfires. We were all one people. As a young girl she did a brave and noble thing for which the people of the Sioux honored her with the name, Mother of Life.

In that day and age when a young person was becoming an adult the name they were most generally given would help them to direct their path in life, and so it was for Mother of Life through out her existence on Mother Earth. She devoted her life in the physical plane to the caring and the extension of love for all children she came in contact with.

Mother of Life spent a lifetime caring as a mother for her people and she grew to be respected as an elder woman.

There came a day when an opposing people attacked her village. Sweeping into the camp the enemy struck down those who were before them. Mother of Life was a part of this scene and she saw the blow to a child of two years who was mortally wounded. She rushed to the child and cradled this little one in her arms. She watched as the child's life essence slipped away and she felt this small one die in her arms.

When it's spirit started the journey home her heart cried out in an appeal to the Great Spirit, "Why must the People only settle their differences with the anger of the animal? When will they realize that the children are the future of the people?"

No sooner had these words left her body than an enemy spear pierced her heart. She slumped over to forever cradle a dead child. Mother of Life followed that child's spirit as it started it's journey home. She knew the little one walked on ahead of her and she hastened her steps so as that child crossed over it would cross over with the protection and love that dwelt in the heart of a true mother.

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